Monday 22 July 2019

How to Make Your Teeth Whitening in Fremont Long-Lasting | ProDental of Fremont

For more information about Teeth Whitening in Fremont Call us at (510) 573-2399 Or visit our clinic in 6072 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94538

Ever wonder how long does your teeth whitening last? or How can I keep my teeth white? Well, the teeth whitening last for up to 3 years and varies from person to person. In order to keep your teeth white here are some tips by our Dentist Dr. Tran which can help you in protecting your teeth from stains and last longer.
Avoid Staining Foods: 
Certain foods and drinks are known enemies of teeth whitening it includes:
  1. Coffee.
  2. Tea.
  3. Berries.
  4. Red and white wine.
  5. Tomato sauce.
  6. Sugary foods and drinks.
Eat Foods That Protect Your Teeth:
There are certain foods that are good for your oral health and help you in keeping your teeth healthy and dazzling.
  1. Crunchy fruits and vegetables: It is packed with water which helps produce saliva when you chew them. Saliva helps neutralize acids that break down tooth enamel and leave your teeth more susceptible to stains.
  2. Cheese: It helps increase saliva production, and cheese has calcium and phosphorus which helps keep your tooth enamel strong and resilient to decay and stains.
Brush After Every Meal:
Although some foods and drinks can stain your teeth more intensely than others. Brushing your teeth after every meal will help extend the life of your professional whitening. When you’re on the go and can’t brush swishing your mouth thoroughly with mouthwash can help wash away stain-causing bacteria.
Use a Straw: 
You may not typically think to drink coffee, tea, or wine through a straw but it can help you enjoy some of your favorite drinks without getting stains on your teeth. Drinking through a straw can keep beverages from touching the outside of your teeth.
Quit Smoking: 
Don’t smoke as it only takes a few months of smoking for the nicotine and tar in cigarettes to stain your teeth yellow, with or without investing in professional whitening. Smoking increases your risk of gum infections, gum disease, plaque, and even oral cancer.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly: 
Visit your dentist for a cleaning and checkup at least once a year to maintain good oral health. The more frequently you visit a dentist the more you will get a whitening touch-up that helps to keep your teeth looking great.
If you follow these 6 pieces of advice and listen to our Dentist Dr. Tran in Fremont you can keep your teeth looking their best.
For more information about Teeth Whitening in Fremont Call us at (510) 573-2399

Sunday 21 July 2019

Teeth Whitening In Fremont California | ProDental of Fremont

Now brighten your teeth with our Teeth Whitening in Fremont, CA. Our dentist Dr. Tran and Dr. Pham are teeth whitening specialist offering teeth whitening, tooth bleaching services. Call us at (510) 573-2399 Or visit our site: